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Dawid Potgieter

Senior Program Officer, Templeton World Charity Foundation

Dawid PotgieterDawid Potgieter is a Senior Program Officer of the Templeton World Charity Foundation. He is responsible for the Accelerating Research on Consciousness initiative, which involves a $20M commitment from The Foundation to empirically investigate scientific theories of consciousness through adversarial collaboration and by promoting open-science practices. He is involved with developing new initiatives and grant proposals in a wide range of areas, including research in the natural sciences, philosophy, and public outreach activities.

Dr. Potgieter also serves as Head of Program Management and Continuous Improvement. He is responsible for overseeing changes to policies and procedures, overhauling the Foundation’s website and grant-management systems, and developing new grantmaking practices to better support discovery science. Before joining the Foundation, Dr. Potgieter studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford and stayed on there to complete a D.Phil. in Neuroscience at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics. His research has been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Neurobiology of Disease, and Human Molecular Genetics.