Dan Morgan
Public Library of Science (PLOS), San Francisco, CA, USA
Co-Authors: PLOS Team
Open science at PLOS ONE: progress at scale
As a first mover in many of the publishing practices that facilitate robust science, and as a very large interdisciplinary journal, PLOS ONE is able to openly share useful data on the adoption of these practices. We present them happening at scale, fostering openness and transparency in research reporting at PLOS ONE and helping to incrementally normalize such approaches. We hope that future research of open science practices can be further based on evidence of activities, rather than surveyed attitudes, and welcome scientific collaborations, e.g. via https://github.com/PLOS/allofplos. Examples of the open science data we can report are:
# Data Accessibility Statements (open data policy from March 2014)
# Published peer review histories (option from May 2019)
# Protocols created at protocols.io (collaboration from April 2017)
# Preprints shared at bioRxiv (submissions partnership from May 2018)
# Code deposits in repositories (code and data policies)
# Research areas covered