Daniel George Hamilton
Interdisciplinary Meta-research Group, School of BioSciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Co-Authors: H Fraser, R Hoekstra, F Fidler
Abstract: Policies, practices and opinions about transparency in the peer review process
We are surveying editors about peer review processes in their journals, including what blinding systems are used, visibility of peer reviewers’ reports and decision letters, circumstances where reviewers’ reports might be edited, and the degree of interaction between all parties involved. In the survey we ask editors about a) their journal’s official policy, b) routine practice and constraints, and c) personal opinions about peer review and commonly raised publication ethics issues. Over 1500 journal editors in psychology, economics, ecology, medicine, radiation oncology and physics were invited to participate in early June 2019. Data collection is ongoing but will be complete by the Metascience Symposium. It is expected the results will further inform the debate around increased transparency in peer review. Data relating to journal policies will be identifiable and publicly available on the Open Science Framework; other data will be de-identified but also publicly available on OSF.