Julia G. Bottesini
University of California, Davis
Co-Authors: Simine Vazire
Abstract: Do Participants Care If We p-Hack Their Data? A Registered Report
Do research participants care if we engage in questionable research practices with their data? Do they have an opinion about open science practices? In this proposed registered report, we will investigate research participants’ opinions about research practices using samples drawn from the most common psychology participant populations: undergraduates and MTurk workers. After completing an unrelated study, participants are asked to reflect on how they would feel if researchers adopted certain research practices when publishing the study in which they’ve just participated. We ask them about questionable research practices (p-hacking, file-drawering, HARKing), open science practices (open materials and methods, open access publishing, replication, data sharing), and fraud. Here, we present our proposed method and results from two pilot studies (Ns = 1,258, 303).
Poster: Do Participants Care If We p-Hack Their Data? A Registered Report